What Happens After You Submit Your UCAS Application?

What Happens After you Submit your UCAS Application Featured Image

Once your UCAS application has been finished and sent off, you’ve still got a lot of milestones to reach before you find yourself holding that med school offer letter. So let’s take a look at all the things you’ll need to do in the next few months to ensure your application is a success!

8 Tips for MMI Success

8 tips for mmi success

With more universities adopting this interview style, we have compiled a list of tips to ensure that you are fully equipped for your MMI when it comes around.

Medical MMI Interview: The Definitive Guide

mmi definitive guide

The complete guide to Multiple-Mini Interviews (MMIs). We cover, what are MMIs? Why are MMIs used? What is the format of an MMI? How should you prepare for your MMI? and our top tips. Read on to start improving your MMI confidence.

The two types of interview – MMI and Semi-structured

In this section we’ll first go through the different interview types and then the qualities medical schools are looking for as well as the key questions and tasks that can come up. Take this chapter seriously, because we’re going to go through a lot of the important stuff you need in order to build a solid footing, and so that you can handle any interview that’s thrown your way!

Lost with your application?

A friendly medic is just a phone call away! Get some helpful advice and get on track with your application.