About 6med

Interested in learning more about who 6med are? You’ve come to the right place.

Our Mission

We’ve got 3 main aims. Firstly, to offer the best med school preparation support in the world. Secondly, as a social enterprise, to ensure that our services are accessible to as many people as possible. And finally, to make the whole experience enjoyable for both ourselves and our students.

Preparation courses, resources and tuition are an interesting kettle of fish, in that the more students are coached for particular exams or interviews, the less useful they become as selection tools to separate the boys from the men, so to speak. However, as long as there are admissions requirements for competitive subjects, there will always be people (and businesses) capitalising on those who need support. The tricky part is figuring out which ones have your best interests in mind and which are taking advantage of a lucrative market.

Our team comes from a medical background, being either recent graduates or current students. We’ve gone through the challenges of the current application process ourselves, so we’ve based our offering on what we wanted/needed during that tough time. We pride ourselves on offering countless bursaries to students who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford our support while also providing the best possible value for those who can. Intellectual potential and dedication should be the only barriers to entry into Medicine – not money.

10,000 +

This is how many students we’ve taught over the years.

6,000 +

This is how many hours of teaching we’ve provided through courses and tuition.

Over £100,000

This is how much money we’ve given away through our bursary scheme.

Our Story

From teaching 4 students in the suburbs of Essex to hundreds of students surrounded by the spires of Cambridge, 6med has grown exponentially over the years. Below you’ll find the story of our humble beginnings, our foray into the business world, and our quest for world domination.

Our Own Medicine Applications

In the summer of 2011, most of our team were in the same position that you are now. We were all applying to study Medicine at some of the top universities in the country, and were scared about what it would involve. We’d heard horror stories about personal statements, Oxbridge interviews and work experience. At the time, we had a lot of help from our teachers, and from students in the years above who had already gotten into medical school (and we’re very grateful to them). They gave us advice about interviews, explained the realities of studying medicine, and told us never to start our personal statements with a quote. Unfortunately, they couldn’t really help us much with regards to the entrance tests (BMAT and UCAT). Our parents (may God bless their souls) forked out a small fortune to send us on expensive BMAT (former UK medical admissions test) and UCAT courses so that we wouldn’t be at a disadvantage compared to everyone else. In all honesty though, we didn’t find them particularly helpful. We felt that a lot of the time was spent waffling through things that everyone knew, and not enough time was spent on actually teaching us the things we didn’t know. Despite this, we all (thankfully) got a place at our chosen universities.



When medical applicants from our school started asking us for help with their own applications, we realised we could do something about the lack of BMAT and UCAT tutelage, and (in theory) could do it properly. With not enough time to create a fully-fledged preparation course, we were content with offering private tuition for individual students and small groups every now and then. This was strictly small-scale though, and we felt that as the demand from our own school was so high, perhaps we’d be able to do something on a grander scale the following year.


We set up 6med in 2013 with the BMAT Crash Course. We expected to get around 20 students, make a bit of money in the summer holidays and leave it at that – the response though, was greater than we could have ever imagined. We ran 5 sold-out courses in London, Oxford, Cambridge and Essex, with overwhelmingly positive feedback, and parents phoning us every night in October asking if we had any more space on our course. By the end of it, we knew that there was a huge market for our course, our pricing and our philosophy, so we decided to make the BMAT course bigger and better for the following year to see just how far we could take it. After recruiting a few more team members who were experts in the exam, we also decided to create the UCAT Crash Course.


Our first UCAT courses went down a treat with incredibly feedback from all of the students that attended. We had hundreds of students on waiting lists for our courses which, as far as business-related problems go, wasn’t too bad! From the success of our BMAT and UCAT Crash Courses, we decided to make the jump and run Interview Crash Courses as many students were asking about them. Each course we ran introduced small changes and improvements to the course. By the end of the run, we’d hit a winning formula.

Along with our courses (which we’re now also running internationally!), we launched BMAT.Ninja and UCAT Ninja, our online preparation systems with tons of notes, techniques, practice questions and generally helpful stuff. These platforms were a roaring success of release and helped students who couldn’t attend physical courses with their medical school applications.


We’ve continued to grow at a pretty explosive rate and have carried on improving everything we can about our courses, Ninja platforms and workbooks to ensure we provide the very best support to medical school applicants at the very best value. Because so many students were booking places on our courses as well as signing up to the Ninja platforms, we created our Bundles which give a student access to EVERYTHING we have on offer for each application component (and at a tidy discount).

We’re incredibly proud to say that we’ve had over 10,000 medical students using our support over the past 6 years. We hope we can support you with your application too! If you’re already an offer-holder, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered there too with our pre-medical school course the PRO Masterclass.

Meet The Team

Our team is made up of graphic designers, web developers, Taekwondo instructors, concert pianists, close-up magicians, stage singers, and so much more. Our friendship and love of teaching allows us to work together to run the best courses in the world. We couldn’t include everyone who makes a difference at 6med here, but here are some of the people you might come across in your journey with us!





Ali Abdaal is doctor turned YouTuber and entrepreneur! He graduated from Cambridge, having studied Medicine in 2018. He is a co-founder of 6med and creator of the BMAT Crash Course, Interview Crash Course and BMAT Ninja. Nowadays you'll find Ali sharing his wisdom about productivity and science-based techniques to build a love that you love.
Click Here




James is a co-founder of 6med and creator of the UCAT Crash Course, UCAT Ninja and Doctor Project. He is an accomplished pianist, and pursues several interests outside medicine, including business, medical technology and languages.
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Operations Wizard

Tyler Walter

Tyler is the Operations Wizard at 6med. If you ever attend a 6med course, get tutoring with us (or basically anything to do with us), it's likely you've had the pleasure of working with Tyler! Away from work, if you don’t find him between the pages of a good book, he'll be amongst the laughter of his two little girls at home.
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Meet Our Tutors

Again, we couldn’t possibly include all of the tutors we work with, but here are a few of the talented medics who are there to help the next generation get into medical school.

medical school succes calculator
Ever wanted to calculate your chances of getting into a particular medical school? Just answer a couple of questions about yourself and your application, and you'll get an estimated success rate based on 1000s of data points.
Give it a try and calculate your chances.

Registration for our UCAT Preparation and Interview Preparation is now open.

Isn’t that exciting?


We’re a friendly company run entirely by medical students. We offer super-effective tutoring and one-day courses for the Personal Statement, UCAT and medicine Interviews.

We’ve also got an online course and a question bank for the UCAT; if that’s not enough, we’ve got many free resources in our Application Guide too!

If you’re an offer-holder, we’ve got you covered with our pre-medical school course to get you ahead of the pack!

How can we help?

Smash the UCAT with a personal 6med tutor by your side, every step of the way.

Get valuable interview practice and experience to interview like a pro to get your place.

The Medicine Mastery Bundle has everything you need to secure your dream Medicine place; from Personal Statement support to the UCAT, to your interviews.

Welcome To The New Era Of Medicine Application Preparation 🎉

Unlimited Crash Courses or Extra Tuition Hours in UCAT, Interview, or Mastery Bundles from £699.

Available on all Plus and Advanced Bundles!