
Here you can find our previous season Surgeries topics, recordings, and download the slides we used!

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BMAT Surgeries

Imparted by our BMAT Expert Martim (r/BMATExam subreddit owner).

BMAT Surgeries series has finished for this season, we hope you had found them useful and learned a lot from them!

19th Sep, 2pm GMT.


What is the BMAT? Almost all of you should feel like BMAT experts by now, but in our effort to help you with your preparation we’re starting the surgeries with this Introduction to the BMAT, where you’ll see and understand the structure of the exam, sections, time and difficulty of each.

26th Sep, 2pm GMT.


Problem? No problem!

We’ll go through Problem Solving questions – which can be far less predictable than Critical Thinking ones – and guide you through the whole set of questions you can face in this section, also presenting some strategies to smash this section!

3rd Oct, 2pm GMT.


We think you should be thinking more seriously about joining this session! Here we’ll present how to deal with some of the most complicated series of logical arguments and answer common questions and doubts about this second half of section 1 of the BMAT.

10th Oct, 2pm GMT.


We’ll start the Scientific Knowledge and Applications section of the BMAT by going through Biology & Chemistry topics. It’s essential that you’re at least good for these since, you know, the exam itself is called BIOmedical. So, join this session and have a good approach to what you’ll find on the real exam!

17th Oct, 2pm GMT.


The nightmare of a lot and anguish of much more. In this Surgery, we’ll introduce you to the Maths and Physics needed for the BMAT. We’ll go through questions and topics so you know what to study and how to do it! You’ll be less worried and more focused by the end of this session! 😉

24th Oct, 2pm GMT.


Section 3 of the BMAT is all about the essay, so we’ll present some of the common topics and question types for this section, and also we’ll let you know about some of the strategies, tips, and recommendations for this section. Finally, you’ll receive one last piece of advice for your BMAT application!

BMAT Expert Indeed

You may have heard of him since he’s such a celebrity when talking about Medicine applications and all BMAT-related words. Martim’s a BMAT-savvy student who’ll be able to answer all your questions and explain all sections of the exam!

I love giving my students an advantage over the competition. I bring the rigour of the East and the creativity of the West to deliver a truly holistic and global education.

I worked with many students, schools, and organisations to deliver high-quality education. These go beyond the BMAT and include international applications to the US, Canada, Europe, and East Asia. Join us in the next 6med Surgery to maximise your BMAT score!

UCAT Surgeries

Unfortunately, UCAT Surgery series is over 😢 but don’t be sad! You can still watch all of the recordings.

Also, you can leave your email in the box below and we’ll contact you for any interesting news in relation to 6med and new Surgeries!

16th May, 2pm GMT.


An amazing introduction to the all-important UCAT test and what significance it holds in your Medicine application. Hardeep will share key information and some of the tips that got him into top medical schools and much more!

30th May, 2pm GMT.


We’ll go through the Verbal Reasoning portion of the UCAT. Hardeep will teach you expert tips and strategies to employ in this highly time-pressured part of the exam. Definitely not one to miss if this section is your kryptonite!

13th June, 2pm GMT.


This is the surgery dedicated to Decision Making. We’ll work through practice questions, secret tips and strategies and, of course, you’ll always get the opportunity for some expert Q&A. Register to get a reminder!

27th June, 2pm GMT.


Do you absolutely love numbers and crunching through data sets? No, neither did we, but once we teach you our awesome strategies to use in this section you will – that’s a promise! Expect the usual depth of information – without the extra fluff.

11th July, 2pm GMT.


Let me tell you now – there’s nothing abstract about our reasoning as to how you should approach this section of the UCAT. It comes easily to some, and feels impossible to others. Even if you are the prior, you’ll learn a thing or two at this session!

25th July, 2pm GMT.


The only section of the UCAT that truly has a medical focus (and incidentally the section some medical schools choose not to use) but nevertheless, incredibly important to do well on. We’ll show you exactly how to do so.

8th August, 2pm GMT.


This is what the exam is all about – getting that all-important UCAT score you need to get the medical school place you are after. Hardeep will go through the scoring and results, what they mean and how universities will interpret them.

Your Ace Ambassador

We know our good friend Hardeep pretty well, but you might not, so here’s a little bit about him. He knows the medicine application process inside out so ask him anything about how to make yours better!

On my way to Cambridge University medical school, I experienced the hurdles of A levels, the UCAT and BMAT, personal statement, MMIs and panel interviews. The journey taught me so much and I now hope to share the knowledge I used to get all my offers!

I've helped tons of students improve their Medicine applications. Come and say hello in the next 6med Surgery and let's get you your dream offer!

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Slides used on this Surgery

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Slides used on this Surgery

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Slides used on this Surgery

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Slides used on this Surgery

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Slides used on this Surgery

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Slides used on this Surgery

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Slides used on this Surgery

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Slides used on this Surgery

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Slides used on this Surgery

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Slides used on this Surgery

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Slides used on this Surgery

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Slides used on this Surgery

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Scoring & Results Surgery Slides

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