Veterinary Medicine Degrees – The Ultimate Guide

Here at 6med, we love medicine (obviously)! But there are various degree options outside of traditional medicine that you may wish to consider. One of the most comparable degrees is Veterinary Medicine (or Veterinary Sciences), the study of animal health and treatment.
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If you’ve decided you want to enter medicine but feel that traditional medicine may not be right for you, then the next avenue you may have considered is veterinary medicine. If you’re on this guide, you’re likely close to or have already made up your mind, so this guide will take you through everything you need to know about veterinary medicine at university and the options for degrees available in the UK. 

What is Veterinary Medicine?

For those who haven’t researched done the research already, your initial thought of veterinary medicine may be exactly what it sounds like; vets. And while work within veterinary practices makes up a large portion of the graduate workforce, the field and courses themselves are much more varied than this. Veterinary medicine is not just about medicine but about animal care in general. Beyond animal biology and healthcare, most courses will teach you skills in animal husbandry and behavioural studies.

It’s also important to understand that veterinary medicine is somewhat of a blanket term when speaking about university courses. Although many courses are named just that, you will also find course titles such as ‘Veterinary Science’ or “Veterinary Surgery”. Beyond this, there are also specialised courses for other areas of animal welfare, including ‘Behavioural Sciences’ and ‘Veterinary Biosciences’. However, for the sake of brevity, we will be focusing on the 11 veterinary medicine courses that are recognised by the British Veterinary Association (BVA). 

What to Expect from a Veterinary Medicine Degree?

Your typical veterinary medicine course will aim to take you from the theory and science of animal biology and health through to practical skills in diagnosis and treatment, with general animal handling skills also taught throughout. The course will last five years, the same length as a standard undergraduate medicine course, and will seek to get you registered as a veterinarian at the end of your studies.

Here are some of the subjects and modules that you can expect to take on when in a veterinary medicine degree:

We’ll take a more in-depth look at each course’s syllabus later in the guide, but his list should give you a good idea of the sorts of skills you’ll be learning during your studies. 

Why Study Veterinary Medicine?

There are a tonne of reasons as to why you should study veterinary medicine, so here are a few examples of why it could be the perfect course/career path for you:

You’re an Animal Lover:

This one is fairly obvious, but the best veterinary professionals love their work because they love their patients! You’ll be spending many hours each day with all sorts of species, so having an immediate connection with them will help you succeed in your career. 

You Care About Conservation:

Veterinary medicine goes much far beyond pets. Many professions will see you dealing with wild animals which are at risk, some of which you may not have even known existed in the UK! You’ll be a vital part of maintaining natural ecosystems and keeping wildlife safe.

You Love a Challenge: 

Traditional medicine is, of course, a hugely challenging field of expertise, but the same also applies to veterinary medicine. From unusual biology to dangerous patients, a boring day is very rare in the field of veterinary medicine!

You Love to Make Discoveries:

Our understanding of animal health and biology can be fairly limited, so there will be plenty of chances to make new discoveries. If you’re the curious type, you’ll have opportunities to lead the next generation of veterinary innovation.

Everyone has their own reason for choosing the degree that they take, but you may wish to consider veterinary medicine if any of these options describes you. As to why you would choose it over traditional medicine is another matter with its own reasoning. You may be more scared of being yelled at by an angry patient than getting bitten, or it could just be the subject you’re more interested in. There’s no right or wrong answer to these questions; both professions are incredibly important and rewarding at the end of the day! 


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Career Prospects for Veterinary Medicine

As we’ve already said, there are more career routes available to vet med graduates than just working at a veterinary practice. There is a diverse collection of employment opportunities available that cater to many of the specialities that you may find yourself falling into either before or during your studies. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular options available: 


This is, of course, the most obvious career path for veterinary medicine, but the job title alone does little to explain the variety of jobs it can encapsulate. Working at a private veterinary surgery is only part of the story, as vets are also staple members of the military, agriculture and more. Evaluate the options available and decide what area of society you would feel at home in. The general principles of the role will mostly stay the same wherever you work, but the pressures of the role will increase depending on the intensity of the working environment. 

As for what you’ll be doing, your job will involve getting hands-on with animals in need, diagnosing and treating ailments in a variety of creatures. As with traditional medicine, surgeons are in high demand in the industry and will be paid accordingly, but support and nursing roles will also be extremely rewarding. 

Average Starting Salary: £30,500 – £35,000 (Reported by

Research Scientist

If you’re looking for a less hands-on and more scientific role, then research science may be the field for you. Like the veterinarian role, the responsibilities for this position will change depending on the industry you’re working in, but the general knowledge and skills will transfer to any position you find yourself in. Some of the most prolific industries to hire for this role include pharmaceuticals, production and regulatory agencies. 

The assignments you will be working on will be pretty different between industries but in general, you will be responsible for planning, conducting and recording experiments relating to animal health and biology. You’ll be spending most of your time in the lab or on the field, working directly with animals (so the position isn’t as hands-off as we initially implied)!

Average Salary: £38,400 (Reported by

Animal Behaviourist

Animal Behaviourists are specialists in observing, diagnosing and treating animals with behavioural disorders in a variety of settings. This is potentially the most dangerous role out of all of the most common options as you will be regularly dealing with aggressive or otherwise unpredictable animals, some of which will be able to cause serious harm. However, it can also be one of the most rewarding roles, as you are able to develop a deeper relationship with each of your patients and help to improve their social and behavioural abilities. Seeing a patient transform from scared or aggressive into a friendly, social animal can create some of the highest job satisfaction possible in the field of veterinary medicine. 

Unfortunately, average wages are noticeably lower than some other professions in the field, meaning those who wish to pursue this role must be motivated more by the desire to improve lives rather than financial gain. As long as you are able to negotiate a good contract or develop your own business, you will still be able to make a good living from this line of work. 

 Average Salary: £21,400 (Reported by

As we said, these are the most common job prospects available to vet med graduates, but there are also plenty of niche positions available, including Equine Nutritionist, Pharmaceutical Technical Advisor and Zoologist. Beyond careers, you’ll also have plenty of post-graduate opportunities if you wish to continue in higher education. This isn’t a decision you’ll need to make any time soon though, you’ll have five years of studies to develop your understanding and specialise in a chosen area. 

Applying to Veterinary Medicine

Once you’ve considered everything discussed above (as well as doing your own research), the next step of your veterinary medicine journey is to apply! We’ll discuss each of the 11 recognised vet med schools later on, so let’s look at this process in a general sense, as it doesn’t differ too heavily between them. Before starting, you’ll need to ensure you understand your motivations behind choosing this route, as well as the risks associated.

It’s okay to be unsure about your decision at first, most applicants have doubts when confirming their selections as it’s defining potentially your whole future. That’s a big choice to make! Just like other medical degrees, the UCAS due date for your selections is October 15th, meaning you’ll have less time to make the decision and work on your application compared to other courses. Therefore it’s crucial that you begin the application early on, starting during the summer holidays at the latest. 

As with any degree, attending Open Days will play a big part in your decision-making process. Many universities now offer digital open days that provide you with information and the chance to ask questions, but they don’t quite compare to in-person events. Choosing a university is as much about choosing your lifestyle for the next five years as it is about the degree, so seeing where you’ll be living in the flesh will help you get a feel for the location. It’s not feasible for most people to attend an open day for each of their choices, but you should try to attend as many as possible during your summer holidays.

Once the decision is made (or often, before you’ve made it), you’re going to have to contend with the application process. This process is, for the most part, very similar to typical medical school applications. Thankfully, we have plenty of guides taking you through the personal statement and interview processes, so we won’t touch on them too thoroughly here. However, we’ll take a brief look at the steps you’ll need to take to succeed in the veterinary medicine application process. 


Your A-Levels (or equivalent) are both the first and last stage of your vet med application process. You may not know exactly what degree you want to take when you’re choosing your A-Levels, but it’s important to choose options that will be relevant to medicine if this is the field you believe you want to enter in the future. Some of the best A-Levels to choose for veterinary medicine include: 

General and humanities subjects are less likely to help you create a viable application, so be considerate of this and ensure you choose at least three of these subjects. Generally speaking, applicants should seek to achieve at least AAB in their final grades and a UCAS score between 112 – 169. Averages vary between each the different qualification types.   

Personal Statement

Your personal statement is likely going to be the thing that is most similar to a traditional medicine application. The principles of a good personal statement generally stay the same for any subject:

As for what you should include in a veterinary medicine personal statement specifically, the obvious answer is to link everything to animals and animal welfare. However, this isn’t entirely the case. Firstly, you may feel the temptation to open with something along the lines of “I’ve loved animals my whole life”. Whether or not this is true, it’s pretty cliched and a bit childish (there aren’t many vet med applicants who specifically hate animals)! Instead, focus on experiences throughout your life that made you choose veterinary medicine, explaining what you learnt and how they resonated with you. Of course, you also need to show that you have a good understanding of the subject and the abilities required for success. 

We have loads of free personal statement guides and example statements available on our Free Personal Statement Resources page. Check it out if you want to learn even more about creating a great personal statement!

Any medicine personal statement will also require a deep dive into more recent personal experience and what you learnt from it. But first, you will actually need to take part in the work experience…

Work Experience

Work experience is a requirement for most medicine applications, but it can sometimes be tricky to find a placement that feels truly impactful to your application. The top tier of traditional medicine work experience is hospital placements and the equivalent for vet med applicants is veterinary practice work experience. These placements aren’t in quite so high-demand, so you may stand a better chance of gaining clinical work experience. However, this experience will be fairly hands-off, with much of your time spent observing the professionals in their work.

If you’re looking for more hands-on placements, you’ll likely find this through voluntary positions. Some of the most common places to find these placements include animal shelters and animal charities. You likely won’t be engaging in much medical work here but you’ll be responsible for the welfare of many vulnerable and needy animals. Remember, vet med degrees aren’t just about medicine, so the animal welfare, handling and behavioural skills that you can learn during these placements will give your personal statement a much-needed boost and give you a head-start in your practical development.

Different universities have different requirements for the type and amount of work experience that you’ve undertaken, so be sure to do your own research (or check our summary of each veterinary medicine school).

Admissions Tests

Unlike traditional medicine degrees, which typically use the UCAT, admissions tests are very uncommon within the veterinary medicine application process. Although many of the universities on the list also offer traditional medicine degrees, only the University of Cambridge requires applicants to sit an admissions test for their vet med application. 

Engineering and Science Admissions Test (ESAT)

This exam is the Engineering and Science Admissions Test (ESAT), which is run by Pearson VUE on behalf of Cambridge. The test can be adapted for a variety of subjects at Cambridge, including Natural Sciences and Engineering. This is due to the exam being split up into 5 sub-tests:

Within a standard sitting of the ESAT, candidates will only need to sit three of the five subtests. All applicants are required to take Mathematics, but the other two will depend on the course you’re applying for. If you’re applying for Vet Med, you can choose the other two tests you take out of the four options.  

You will have 40 minutes to complete each section, and there is no negative marking so it is recommended you attempt every question from the parts you answer. The test is computer-based as you’ll need to take it at a Pearson VUE testing centre. There are two testing dates for the ESAT – the 15th or 16th of October 2024. Be sure to register via the Pearson VUE Portal before September 16th 2024.

Although 6med does not offer any specific ESAT support, our friends at Exams.Ninja have created the ultimate ESAT Preparation Platform, ESAT.Ninja. They provide expert tutorials, a realistic exam simulator and hundreds of practice questions with worked solutions. You can try it for free when you register today!


This is another essential aspect of the traditional medicine application process, but it’s not quite emphasised in every vet med application. Not every veterinary medicine university requires an interview, with some stating that interviews are only undertaken in exceptional circumstances. However, just as many universities require interviews from all applicants, so you will likely be taking part in at least one during the application cycle (which are normally performed in early December).

Interviews for veterinary medicine vary from panel interviews to MMI interviews, the two staples of traditional medicine interviews. There’s not much to say about these interviews that we haven’t already covered within our Panel Interview and MMI Interview Guides, so be sure to check those out to learn about the format, types of questions and tips to help you succeed. Of course, many of the questions and stations that are included will relate to animal health and welfare, so ensure you’ve brushed up on your knowledge of the subject!

Just like personal statements, we have a variety of interview support available, including our massive selection of guides available on our Free Interview Resources page and our expert interview support included within the 6med Interview Tutoring Bundle. Check them out if you need help cracking your interview! 

This must all feel pretty familiar if you’ve already been researching medicine applications, which makes sense. These degrees are still about medicine, just with a different type of patient, which means that many of the same skills and characteristics apply in order to succeed. But with that in mind, let’s now take a look at the universities that are running these courses!


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UK Veterinary Medicine Degrees

As we said, there are 11 universities in the UK that offer dedicated Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Science courses that are recognised by the BVA. Let’s take a look at the basic course outlines and entry requirements of each. 

Cambridge, being one half of the Oxbridge family of universities, is considered one of the most prestigious medical schools in the UK, which is certainly true within the veterinary medicine school as well. 

Course Outline

This course lasts 6 years and is split into four major “phases”. Years 1 and 2 make up the pre-clinical phase, which is described as the scientific foundation of the course. Most of the work undertaken in these years will be based on theory, with assessment mainly coming from exams and coursework. Some of the major topics covered here include: 

In Year 3, you will be focusing on natural science as a whole, giving you the opportunity to specialise in a number of subjects offered by Cambridge. The best options for these would be biological subjects such as Biology in Natural Science or Biomedical Science, although options such as Management Studies and Anthropology are also available. 

Year’s 4 and 5 are all about clinical study, linking everything you’ve learnt so far to the practical knowledge and skills require to work within veterinary care. These will be the most hands-on years, with plenty of practical work taking place alongside your regular studies. Topics covered include: 

Your final year, Year 6, is known as the professional phase, as you will be focused solely on clinical teaching with no lectures. You will be required to work within a wide variety of disciplines, including Small Animal Surgery & Medicine, Equine & Farm Animal Studies, Anaesthesia, Out-of-Hours Care and Diagnostic Imaging. This year is not assessed with formal marking or examination, but with demonstrations of skills in each clinical rotation. By the end of this course, you should be well verse in a large variety of veterinary disciplines that should allow you to very easily begin work after graduation. 

Entry Requirements

A-Levels: AAA

IB: 40-42, 776 at a Higher Level

Applicants are required to have Science/Mathematics subjects in order to be considered, with Chemistry being a requirement alongside either Biology, Physics or Mathematics. 

As previously stated, all applicants must complete the NSAA. There is no official cut-off score, but a score of 6.0 or higher will make your application competitive. Work experience is not required but is recommended. 

Invited applicants must take part in at least one interview to be considered, these are performed in a panel format. Cambridge tends to be fairly generous with interviews, so your chances will be high if your application is high quality. 

As London’s leading veterinary school, places for the University of London’s Veterinary Medicine course are very sought after. 

Course Outline

This is a five-year course, with opportunities for Extra-Mural studies in Animal Husbandry and Clinical Studies. Years 1 – 3 are dedicated to theory and studies of the subject. Subjects from the specification include:

Years 4 and 5 are dedicated to intramural clinical rotations, focusing on work placements, lectures, final project completion and observation/practical experience within the clinical teams of the college’s hospitals.

Entry Requirements

A-levels: AAA 

IB: 666 at a Higher Level 

Both A-Levels and International Baccalaureate must include Chemistry and Biology for all applicants (the third choice is the applicant’s choice).

Work experience is required by all applicants. 70 hours are required each in a clinical and non-clinical environment (140 hours total). 

Interviews are also required for all invited applicants. These take the form of traditional panel interviews.

The University of Liverpool offers a five-year degree titled Veterinary Science.

Course Outline

This five year course is split into three distinct sections. Years 1 and 2 have a heavy focus on problem-based learning, didactic teaching, with some practice work, in order to teach the following subjects:

During Year 3, the syllabus is dedicated to the studies of pathology and parasitology, as well as research skills in a professional and clinical context. Years 4 and 5 are dedicated to clinical rotations across various disciplines. Additional modules are also reserved for Management of Disease and Electives.

Entry Requirements

A-Levels: AAA

IB: 36 Points overall, Grade 6 at a Higher Level

Biology is required by all applicants, with one other science-related subject required for A-Levels and Chemistry required for International Baccalaureate. 

15 days of work experience are required by all applicants in a hands-on, animal-related position. 

Appropriate applicants will be invited to interview, which will be required for admission.

This five-year course is one of Scotland’s leading Veterinary Medicine degrees. 

Course Outline

The programme is separated into three phases split between the five years of the course. Phase 1 takes place across Years 1 & 2, known as the Foundation Phase. These years are designed to build students’ knowledge of veterinary medicine and the various topics that surround it. The intent is for all students to develop the knowledge needed to move forward into practical studies in the remaining years of the course. 

Phase 2 is the Clinical Phase, taking place between Years 3 & 4. This phase balances practical and lecture-based learning to develop the cohort’s understanding of clinical work in order to prepare them for their future careers.

Phase 3 is called the Profession Phase and takes place during the final year of studies. This final year is lecture-free, instead focusing on small-group-based learning designed to further develop practical skills and prepare the cohort for all aspects of the field. 

Entry Requirements

A-Levels: AAA

IB: 38 (6,6,6)

All applicants are required to have completed Biology and Chemistry in their qualifications. 

Practical work experience is required, but there is no set amount that needs to be completed. The more work experience you have completed, the more competitive your application will become. 

Interviews are not 100% essential, but it is standard practice for all viable candidates to be interviewed before a decision is made. These are held via Zoom and take on a Panel format.

Bristol’s Veterinary Science degree runs for five years and takes place between two campuses in both a city and rural setting. 

Course Outline

Throughout each of the five years of the course, students will be tackling new topics and styles of working. Year 1 builds the foundation of knowledge required for the rest of the course, covering the fundamentals of anatomy and body systems, as well as the handling of common species. 

Year 2 builds upon the previous year and has a create emphasis on the study of diseases and reactions. Additional husbandry skills are also taught this year.  Year 3 will develop your skills in the diagnosis and management of common conditions, with an increased emphasis on practical learning in clinical and surgical skills. 

Year 4 builds further upon the previous year and delves further into more advanced scenarios. Year 5 is an extended year that places students in clinical rotations to develop their practical skills in diagnosis and treatment in a professional setting. 

Entry Requirements

A-Levels: AAA (Standard Offer) AAB (Contextual Offer)

IB: 36, 16 at a Higher Level

All applicants require Chemistry alongside either Maths, Biology or Physics.

Work experience is required by all applicants, although no minimum amount is suggested. Applicants are also required to complete a Veterinary Supplementary Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ). 

Interviews are only undertaken in exceptional circumstances, with most decisions instead being made by the previous criteria.

This five-year course has the option to undertake a preliminary or gateway year to add an additional year of learning.

Course Outline

There are a variety of learning style and projects during the five years of this course:

– Year 1 deals with the basic science of veterinary medicine, covering topics such as Animal Welfare, Circulatory and Respiratory Systems and Neuromuscular Systems. An additional Professional Skills module is also included this year to begin developing practical skills.

– Year 2 continues the clinical and practical learning styles to delve deeper into clinical and animal handling skills. The modules of this year include Endocrine, Integument, Gastrointestinal and Urogenital Systems. 

– Year 3 allows students to take part in a research project of their choosing alongside developing their scientific knowledge further, including Veterinary Public Health and the Principles of Clinical Veterinary Science.

– Year 4 continues to build upon the topics from Year 2 in an increasingly complex manner. Skills in business and entrepreneurship are also taught here. 

– Year 5 contains what are referred to as “Clinical Practice Modules”. These are small, group-based sessions set in clinical settings that are designed to increase practical and professional skills. Students also undertake 25 weeks of rotation-based work experience that cover three themes of equine, small animal and farm animal. 

Entry Requirements

A-Level: AAB

IB: 34 Overall

Biology and Chemistry are required by all applicants, with a third subject of the applicant’s choosing. 

A minimum of five weeks of work experience is required by all applicants, including at least 3 weeks in an animal handling setting, up to two weeks of customer-facing experience and the completion of the Virtual Work Experience and Exploring the Veterinary Profession

Interviews are required for admission, which take the form of a panel interview.

Surrey’s five-year course is titled Veterinary Medicine and Science, covering both popular course titles for degrees of this nature. 

Course Outline

The five years of this course are split into a large selection of modules that cover all the expected subjects, including Animal Biology & Anatomy, Animals in Society, Foundations of Disease and more. The first two years cover a larger collection of modules, while Years 3 -5 specialise more on practical topics including Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Research and Intramural Rotations.   

Entry Requirements

A-Level: AAB 

IB: 34 Overall

All applicants need to complete Chemistry and Biology within the qualifications, with Grade A’s in both for A-Levels.

The requirement for Work Experience is not specified, but some amount of experience should be undertaken to make your application more competitive. An online questionnaire is required by all shortlisted applicants to continue in the selection process. 

Selected applicants will need to attend both an MMI Interview and an Applicant Day in order to be admitted.

Edinburgh offer two separate versions of their Veterinary Medicine degree, with a typical five-year version and a condensed four-year version. The key difference here is that the four-year course only has one year of Pre-Clinical Study rather than two. 

Course Outline

As we just stated, this course can be taken in four or five years. The first two years of the five-year version (or the first year of the four-year version) are dedicated to Pre-Clinical studies. These years will cover your typical scientific and theoretical topics that are important to grasp before exploring practical and professional work in the following years. 

The remaining years of the course are dedicated to Clinical studies, where students will have more chances to take part in practical, clinical work and develop the skills required to graduate. The final year is split between experience rotations, a Student Research Component and the Final Year Core subjects. 

Entry Requirements

A-Levels: AAA

IB: 38 Overall, 666 at a Higher Level

Chemistry and Biology are both required by applicants within their qualifications. 

There is no specific requirement for a certain amount of work experience hours/days, but practical work experience within an animal handling context is very much recommended to increase competitiveness. 

An MMI interview is required for admission, which is referred to as the “Assessment Day”. The MMI consists of 10 stations.

As one of two dedicated Veterinary Schools on this list, their Veterinary Medicine and Science course is the primary course offered by Harper and Keele. 

Course Outline

Throughout the five years of this course, students will be taking regular trips to a variety of areas in order to enhance their studies. Years 1 – 3 cover a wide variety of scientific and skill-based modules designed to prepare students for the practical clinical experience of the last two years. These modules include Animal Management, Anatomy, Epidemiology, Veterinary Public Health, Pathology and Professional Skills. 

In Year 4, a large module is dedicated to Clinical Medicine and Surgery, while Year 5 consists of clinical rotations with tutorials and support, alongside a final research project and Elective module. Each year also contains an assessment-only module named Competency Development and Attainment.  

Entry Requirements

A-Level: AAB

IB: 34 (6,6,6)

All applicants are required to have complete Chemistry or Biology in their qualifications (at a grade A for A-Levels), with an additional science or mathematics also required. 

Harper & Keele no longer requires a minimum amount of work experience, but it is still a requirement to undertake a relevant placement for your application. 

There is no interview process for this course, so the decision process is made using the above criteria alongside your personal statement.

This School works in association with The Royal Veterinary College and is the only course provider on this list from Wales. 

Course Outline

The teaching of this course is split into two strands, separated between Years 1 – 3 and Years 4 – 5. In Years 1 – 3, you will be engaging in studies across various topics, including Principles of Science, Animal Biology & Anatomy in various disciplines, Population Medicine, Veterinary Public Health and Scholarship Evidence-based Medicine.

In Years 4 – 5, students will mostly engage clinical rotations to develop their practical skills in a variety of working environments. 

Entry Requirements

A-Levels: AAA

IB: 766 at a Higher Level

All applicants using A-Level and IB’s are required to have Chemistry and Biology within their qualifications.

A total of 140 hours of work experience hours are required for your application, with 70 within a veterinary practice and 70 in a non-clinical working environment (relevant to animal care). 

All applicants are required to partake in a panel interview in order to be admitted.   

This is one of the newest veterinary medical schools on this list and is one of only two in the North of England. 

Course Outline

This five-year course operates on single modules for each year covering a wide variety of topics:

– Years 1 and 2 contain the Veterinary Core modules that cover the foundations of the subject. 

– Year 3 is the Veterinary Clinical Integration module, which helps develop the skills learnt from the previous years and begins to teach clinical skills that will have practical applications moving forward.

– Year 4 is the Veterinary Clinical Consolidation module, which continues to build on the skills learnt the far and further increases the focus on clinical experience and abilities.

Year 5 is the Veterinary Clinical Application module which summarises everything that has been taught from this course to prepare students for their future careers in the veterinary medicine field. This is done via even more practical experience and exposure to professional environments. 

Entry Requirements

A-Levels: AAB or ABB with three science subjects at A2


Information regarding the entry requirements for this course is fairly limited, as there is no stated requirement for either work experience or interview. There are also no stated entry requirements for International Baccalaureate qualifications. 

Final Thoughts

From everything that you’ve just seen, you should now have a good understanding of if a Veterinary Medicine degree is right for you and where you may want to consider studying. It is our hope that you will now feel confident in your decision and begin to research your options and begin your application preparation. 

6med’s Interview Bundles were designed by standard medicine students, but they offer loads of transferable skills and information that will help boost the chances of success for your veterinary medicine application! Be sure to check out the available support and see what we can do to help you!


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