Application Guide

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We’ve created lots and lots of articles that go from deciding to apply to Medicine, to the Interview stage! Feel free to go through them and fill your mind with knowledge.

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Featured Articles

Medical Salaries – How Much Do Doctors Earn?

Becoming a medical professional is a highly rewarding career, but it’s also a fact that you’ll have to get paid for your work. In this guide, we’ll explore the types of salaries you can expect from different roles within the field of medicine.

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Structuring Your Medicine Interview Answers

It’s crucial that you’re able to convey your thoughts and talking points clearly and concisely during your medical school interviews, so this guide will offer you the perfect solution to ensure you approach your interview questions correctly.

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UCAS Application Guide For Medicine and Dentistry

If you’re applying to study medicine or dentistry in the UK, you’ll have to apply through UCAS, the centralised application system that allows students from across the world to apply to the UK. This guide will explain how to register and apply for this service so that you can submit your application.

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Privatisation of the NHS – Medicine Ethics For Interviews

For nearly 80 years, the UK’s healthcare has primarily been handled by the National Health Service. The NHS has provided its services universally for free for many years, but there’s an increased risk that this may change and that more services will become privatised. This guide explores what you need to know about this and what questions you may be asked I your interview.

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Medical Salaries
Deciding to Apply

Medical Salaries – How Much Do Doctors Earn?

Becoming a medical professional is a highly rewarding career, but it’s also a fact that you’ll have to get paid for your work. In this guide, we’ll explore the types of salaries you can expect from different roles within the field of medicine.

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Structuring Medicine Interview Answers

Structuring Your Medicine Interview Answers

It’s crucial that you’re able to convey your thoughts and talking points clearly and concisely during your medical school interviews, so this guide will offer you the perfect solution to ensure you approach your interview questions correctly.

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UCAS Application Guide For Medicine And Dentistry

UCAS Application Guide For Medicine and Dentistry

If you’re applying to study medicine or dentistry in the UK, you’ll have to apply through UCAS, the centralised application system that allows students from across the world to apply to the UK. This guide will explain how to register and apply for this service so that you can submit your application.

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Alfie Evans Case – A Medical Ethics Case Study

The case of Alfie Evans was a heartbreaking one, but it also had major impacts on the field of medicine and how we consider things ethically. In this guide, we’ll explore the case and see how you may need to discuss it in your medical school interviews.

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NHS Core Values

Privatisation of the NHS – Medicine Ethics For Interviews

For nearly 80 years, the UK’s healthcare has primarily been handled by the National Health Service. The NHS has provided its services universally for free for many years, but there’s an increased risk that this may change and that more services will become privatised. This guide explores what you need to know about this and what questions you may be asked I your interview.

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