Consent: patients and doctors making decisions together


Let’s take a look at decision making, many times it does not only concern one person, but must be discussed with someone to see their viability, the same goes for doctors when giving a diagnosis, it is necessary to discuss it with their patient to know which course to take.

Ethical Framework For Interviews


Ethical issues are one of the most frequently asked medical interview questions. Instead of meticulously going through each potential ethical scenario, it might be more useful to learn the mindset that can be applicable to nearly all of the questions. To give an example of such a mindset, we will use the example of abortion.


The duty to maintain confidentiality is important, but not absolute.
Patients can see their own records and, according to the Data Protection Act (1998), these data must be accurate, kept for defined purposes, be relevant, and not kept longer than necessary or disclosed to unauthorised persons.


Let’s talk about neglect, how difficult it is, and how to deal with it.

Informed Consent

Thinking about what you have to say as a doctor and taking into account what patients want and also what they need is one of the biggest responsibilities you have, in this article we touch on this topic, read on to find out more about it.


Abortion is often a complex topic to talk about these days, and we need to be informed about what it entails and the responsibility that comes with talking about it. in this article, we talk about abortion, in simple words.

Medical Ethics: The Definitive Guide

medical ethics definitive guide

There is a valid reason why medical schools ask you ethics questions in interviews: a career in medicine is about helping patients while minimising harm and suffering. Here are some of the theories of ethics with real-world examples and 5 ethics interview practice questions to work through.

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