What will you do if you don’t get into medical school this year?


Not Getting In Not getting into medical school can feel like the end of the world. When applying, very rarely do we consider a Plan B so if we are not successful in getting onto a course it can be all the more soul-crushing. You can feel like a complete failure, letting down those around […]

How To Get Medical Work Experience In 2021 [COVID-19]


A pandemic demonstrates the importance of doctors, and how vital they are Unfortunately for you, the added stress on health services, and isolations, means that getting work experience as a doctor is now harder than ever.
But, as always, 6med is here to help. We can’t promise a cure, but we can help you develop solid action points for your personal statement to ensure Covid-19 doesn’t affect your application.

Medicine Personal Statement: Set Yourself Up For Interview Success!


In our previous Hangout (here it is if you missed it) we talked about the personal statement in detail, as another hurdle in the medical school application. Each stage of the application builds an overall picture of you and as the process continues you get closer to the final impression. The personal statement is a golden opportunity to complete your own personal jigsaw puzzle.

Ethics In The Medical Application


In our most recent UCAT Situational Judgement Test (SJT) hangout we discussed, among a variety of tips and questions, the topic of medical ethics and what you need to know for the UCAT.
Medical ethics is central to your future education, so naturally it may well feature in your personal statement and is very likely to feature in your interview(s) in one form or another. Yes, even in Oxbridge interviews!
Read on for a quick summary of the ethics you should be aware of and how you might be asked about them.

UCAT Precision Revision


In our last hangout we gave you an expert breakdown and tips on the UCAT So now what?
It’s time to get down to business, smarten up and focus on your UCAT review with our “precision review” tips.

6med Says: Revising UCAT From Home [Productivity Tips]


Working from home can be hard, but it can be incredibly efficient if you have a strategy in We’ve put together some stellar tips for you to boost your revision at home. Read them and start putting the strategies into practice!

Lost with your application?

A friendly medic is just a phone call away! Get some helpful advice and get on track with your application.