Interleaving : An Effective Study Technique

In a previous article we talked about the ‘spacing effect’ to help you study more effectively and efficiently. Spacing out is a powerful study tool and by doing a bit of work frequently, compared to doing it all at once, you are more likely to remember the information.

A Timely Article on Time Management

Your applications to med schools are a massive commitment that will need to be worked on as soon as know it’s what you want to do, if not before! Let’s see how you can more effectively manage your time to avoid the dreaded last-minute crunch.

Complete Note-taking Guide


In this article we will show you three established methods for taking notes, as well as three practical features you can incorporate for better data reception.

The Spacing Effect

Some of you may wonder why there are so many spaces between each letter in the title “Study”. Let your brains run free for a moment to explore the many possibilities: does it represent time spent studying, when you could have been out with friends/playing Pokemon Go? Does it represent the gaps of procrastination time you spend on Facebook/Snapchat/Instagram? Or is it just to grab readers’ attention?

The Science of Study


Us medical students spend much, if not most or all of our time studying. But how do we retain information? Read on to learn about the theories behind memory and studying.

Lost with your application?

A friendly medic is just a phone call away! Get some helpful advice and get on track with your application.