Ali Abdaal

Hey friends!
I’m Ali. I’m a doctor working in the UK. I studied Medicine for 6 years at Cambridge University and graduated in 2018.
When I was younger and still studying at Uni, I started this company along with other five medicine students (thus the name 6med) started this company with the aim to help students to provide the best possible preparation to all types of students who want to apply to Medicine. Here at 6med, we help students applying to medical school with our Crash Courses and online question banks for the UCAT and BMAT. We’ve also created a pre-medical school course which offer holders can work through to make sure they’re fully prepared for medical school.
Our support helps thousands of students each year, and we give out tens of thousands of pounds in bursaries for students from low-income backgrounds.
The Most Amazing Medical Advice
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Groundbreaking BMAT Definitive Guides
Phenomenal UCAT Preparation Tips
Medical Advice I've Practiced Myself
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(Before and) After graduating I’ve worked on several personal and professional projects. One of them is the podcast my brother and I host called Not Overthinking. Every Sunday we talk about topics related to ‘happiness, creativity and the human condition’.
On my personal website I write articles about productivity, entrepreneurship and generic life advice that I’ve found helpful over the years, as well as sharing my favourites apps and tech.
I also have a YouTube channel (which is great, you should totally subscribe) where I make videos about medicine, tech, productivity, and lifestyle. Check out my most popular videos.
Ali Abdaal - BMAT Videos
Here you can find a lot of my best tips and strategies for the BMAT. I faced the BMAT myself when applying to Cambridge, and now I want to share what I learned so far with you, aspiring medics.
Ali Abdaal - Interview Advice
I’ve put some of the best Interview tips, mine and others students’ interviews experiences into these easy-to-digest YouTube videos. Hopefully, these will help you with your preparation for the Interview!
Ali Abdaal - Random Cool Stuff, Useful For Uni Application
Maybe you’re looking for help for your Personal Statement or your UCAT. The following videos will be useful in general for medical applications and life advice. Focusing on productivity and personal improvement, I’ve created a ton of videos, from note-taking and study tips, all the way to mental improvement strategies.
Ali Abdaal - Popular 6med Posts
Here are some of the most popular articles I’ve written for 6med’s Application Guide. You’ll find useful and relevant notes I’ve written through ages of experience and education. 🙂
Get in touch
If you’ve got a short question or message (<280 characters), please tweet @AliAbdaal and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. I also occasionally reply to Instagram DMs but it’s much more cumbersome to do so (for now).